Talent Pipeline Program

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New York Talent Pipeline Program Announcement

On behalf of Mr. Matt Sermon, Executive Director, PEO Strategic Submarines, the purpose of this message is to formally announce our intent to establish a 5th Regional Talent Pipeline Program in New York in 2023 with the Long Island Region Flag. The PEO Strategic Submarines has identified Long Island as a high density of Defense Industrial Base Suppliers and a strong set of Training Providers and Facilitators.  

The Long Island Region process begins with the development of local Partner Demand Signal and based upon the unique operational circumstances in Long Island, New York customizes an employer demand driven Talent Pipeline system. Since establishing the First Flag in 2021 in the Philadelphia Region, the Pittsburgh Region of Pennsylvania and the Hampton Roads, Virginia Region followed in 2022 with the Boston Flag launched in April 2023 to run parallel to the Long Island Region Flag.

We are proving our hypothesis that if Employers build purposeful Talent Pipelines and improve their recruiting and hiring processes then they will onboard and retain an engaged and productive talent to meet their Talent demand then increasing their productivity for the Navy and running a better business.

The Talent Pipeline Program is focused on forging critical relationships between industry partners and regional training providers to create Talent Pipelines to build a stronger, more resilient defense industrial base workforce in the Long Island Region. The task is to work with small and medium size suppliers in the defense industrial base to assist them in building Talent Pipelines to meet their hiring and retention demands. The Talent Pipeline Program Support Services are provided at no cost to participating Partners wishing to improve their Talent Acquisition and Retention Systems performance in exchange for sharing their data and learnings with others in the defense industrial base.

A Partner Orientation and Networking Conference will be held on Long Island, NY on August 30, 2023, to allow Employers, Training Providers, and Facilitators to learn about the details of the program and pledge to partner.  

From now until the August 30, 2023, Partner Orientation and Networking Conference, the Program Management Team will be identifying potential partners, conducting individual informational sessions, gauging interest, and beginning to customize the base Talent Pipeline Program model to meet the specific operational circumstances of the Long Island region. We ask for your help identifying these partners and connecting them with our program management team.

We are very pleased to announce that GSE Dynamics has agreed to join the Program Management Team as the Local Partner Engagement Coordinator for Long Island and will be engaging regional partners to ensure we are customizing the model to meet the needs of Long Island. “This announcement represents the continued messaging that Long Island is, and will continue to be, a critical supply chain partner for the Defense Industrial Base. We are committed to this project and committed to the continued success of this region’s economic impact by supporting the Nation’s defense industry,” Anne Shybunko-Moore, CEO, GSE Dynamics.    

Information about the other Talent Pipeline Projects can be found at https://dibtalentpipeline.com/

To learn more about the program and connect directly with the Program Management Team please complete a short Talent Pipeline Program Preview at https://dibtalentpipeline.com/

Anne Shybunko-Moore; Long Island Partner Engagement Coordinator, can be reached via email ashybunko@gsedynamics.com and by phone at 631-231-1044.

On a Mission!  1 Employer; 1 Job; 1 Lifelong, Productive, Engaged Teammate at a Time!


Program Leader

Talent Pipeline Program

NAVSEA PEO Strategic Submarines