Talent Pipeline Program delivers New Hire Leader Retention Workshop at Fincantierie Marine Group
MARIONETTE, WISCONSIN - The US Navy Talent Pipeline Program (TPP), delivered the New Hire Leader Retention Workshop to Fincantierie Marine Group, Marinette Marine Leadership Team.
Joe Barto, TPP Program Leader, led this transformational workshop with the craft leadership team as part of their continuous improvement efforts to improve 1st-year trade employee retention efforts. The workshop, based on the TMG leadership principles, introduces leaders to the emotional connection of leadership through 3 primary objectives:
Fall in love, or back in love with leadership. If leaders don’t love leading people and helping them become the absolute best version of themselves, then it is difficult to lead.
Use the tools we train on to retain and develop on the journey to Perfection. At TMG, we believe perfect is possible. It is possible to have one job opening, recruit one person for that position, hire based on fit, bring them on board in a way that helps confirm their decision, and do the work to retain them for a lifetime. And
Commit to being a leader whose Team plays to WIN. Knowing the score is important and leaders must help their teams know what winning looks like – and create an environment and culture of winning. The training will serve as a foundation to cascade this training across the production leadership team as they look for ways to improve team engagement and retention efforts.
Fincantierie Marionette Marine is a part of the TPP’s Enterprise+ flag and is in their first year in the program.
#enterpriseplus #TPP #Leadership #NewHireRetention #TalentPipelineProgram