The Pennsylvania Talent Pipeline helps Western Pennsylvania/NE Ohio regions’ manufacturers improve their workforce talent systems to support expanding US Navy submarine construction
The Pittsburgh Flag of the Pennsylvania Talent Pipeline Project, under the guidance of TMG of Virginia held their Cohort 2 Program Kickoff on 9/28/2023. The session provided an annual update on the success of the overall national effort, reports from the Pittsburgh Network Employers who are in the current cohort detailing successes, overall results, feedback, and building a dedicated support system with others in their network. The Pittsburgh Flag includes 42 manufacturers and other defense-connected businesses, and range from 1-800 employees and deliver products in steel, electronics, parts, and other supply chain needs.
“To make this program work, you have to be open-minded to adapting your processes and ask for help.” - Taylor Powell, Hunt Valve.
Through this Project, TMG plans to continue to build the initiative’s roster of manufacturers and other organizations that are critical to the success of the US Navy and its Submarine construction and maintenance efforts. The Navy projects a workforce need of 10,000 hires each year for the next ten years and this Pipeline Program is projected to deliver approximately 2,000 to 3,000 of those hires.
The Talent Pipeline Program, with its foundation in lean principles, helps employers understand the current state of their talent system, and then works with them to improve areas that are not performing to the employer’s expectation.
“This project is about the support needed to think and do things differently, and the data tells us where we need to go. We work with the manufacturer from the highest level down to the teams on the production floor to help them use the tools to increase retention and reduce labor costs.”
-Joe Barto III, President of TMG VA and the Pipeline Program leader.
This conference follows two Department of the Navy Submarine general briefing sessions by US Navy Master Chief (SS) Jeff Hiscocks, Commander Master Chief for Team Submarines, and the Navy Sponsor for this Cohort. Held over the past three weeks and under the guidance of TMG, invited employers and other organizations have had the opportunity to talk with CMC Hiscocks to understand demand more clearly from the Navy and how best to prepare. He has also made multiple site visits to the different manufacturers, speaking with the frontline workforce on the importance of their commitment and work to the Navy mission.
Vince Jordan Pittsburgh Region Flag Leader 757-642-4982
Chris Cooney Pittsburgh Network Coach 412-913-4779
For interviews with US Navy Master Chief (SS) Jeff Hiscocks, Commander Master Chief for Team Submarines, and the Navy Sponsor for this Cohort please contact Vince Jordan
About the Talent Pipeline Program
The Talent Pipeline Program with flags in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Long Island, Hampton Roads, and Boston helps companies seeking help to improve their Talent Acquisition and Retention systems by training, coaching, encouraging, and recognizing employers because if they run a better business, it will provide greater support to the Navy Fleet Construction and Sustainment Program so that the American Defense Industrial Base can meet the demand of our nation’s defense. The foundation of the program continues to be funded by the Navy at no cost to the employer and sharing of best practices and outcomes among the entire group.
About TMG
TMG is a Veteran Owned Small Business since 2002. TMG has been working with companies across America to become an integral part of each partner’s team to better align their organization, improve leader behaviors, increase team engagement, and improve overall business performance. Our experienced Program Managers and team of multidisciplinary analysts have a passion for problem solving, individualized coaching, and proactive communication that guide our work at your facility. After hundreds of unique site visits spanning the manufacturing, shipbuilding, healthcare and service industries, our team prides itself in sharing proven leadership principles and best practices while protecting our partners’ confidentiality.
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